Resume Tips

Resume Tips

1.) These days many people use as their professional networking and showcasing hub. Sign up and create your professional profile.
2.) Do not use "I" or "me."
3.) Make sure your Facebook profile is set to private so employers don't snoop through your photos.
4.) Put good keywords, usually nouns, in your resume so that employers searching through a database will find yours.
5.) Calibri is a very good, readable font choice for a resume. It is available for free in the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack on
6.) To get your resume past the initial round of HR screening, try to match the same keywords used in the job description. Also keep your resume brief.
7.) Stand out from the crowd by adding a QR code to your resume that can be quickly scanned and used to fetch more information about you online.
8.) Don't forget to tweak the design of your resume. In a list of hundreds it will help set it apart.
9.) For those who create such as software engineers and designers, your portfolio of work that you present to employers is the core of your resume.
10.) Accompany your resume with a cover letter that speaks specifically about the position. It shows genuine interest in getting the job.
11.) Your resume should be written with the understanding that it's supposed to get you an interview and not the job itself. The interview is for the job.
12.) Try to list your achievements instead of your responsibilities in past positions. Simply listing past responsibilities is boring and does not sell.
13.) If you have hard numbers and facts related to your past achievements it's good to type them out in your resume.
14.) Try to follow the rule of one resume plus one cover letter per employer. This forces you to tailor each application and it improves your chances.
15.) Convert your resume to Adobe PDF form or print it on high quality paper. Avoid sending your resume in MS Word form unless required.
16.) While keeping it within the realm of your actual responsibilities and achievements, word your job titles as if telling a story of your career.
17.) Even menial jobs these days require a degree of technical knowledge. If the job you're looking at uses Excel for example, write it in if you know it.
18.) If a job posting lists specific requirements and you have the experience, try to match each point in the job posting somewhere in your resume.
19.) If you've worked for the same company for 10+ years separate out your positions so that employers can see your internal job progression clearly.
20.) While keeping it relatively brief, include interests and past activities on your resume to help the reviewer figure out an overall image of you.
21.) Having an elite school on your resume indicates that you most likely are intelligent. Having a high GPA on your resume indicates that you work hard.
22.) Cater your resume to the job description!
23.) Don't put generic job titles such as "Accountant" as employers may quickly discard your resume if they're only glancing at your titles.
24.) You do not need to list all of your past positions and experiences, especially if they are not relevant to the position you're applying to.
25.) Have a second person review your resume before you send it off.
26.) Provided all the necessary information is there, the shorter your resume, the better.
27.) Avoid listing career objectives and summary information. Most employers don't care about your objectives, they care about theirs.
28.) Sign up on Linked In.
29.) For all recent graduates, always list recent employment first and education last.
30.) Tweak your resume depending on the company and industry to which you are applying. People often hire by like and likeness.
31.) Don't put photos on your resume unless you're required to.
32.) Quantify your accomplishments whenever possible.
33.) Use a lot of action verbs in your resume when describing the work that you have done.
34.) Multiple resumes may be necessary depending on the position you're seeking. Always tailor your resume to that position.
35.) Have multiple people - preferably other professionals - review your resume before sending it to any companies.
36.) Be truthful. You already have a lot of really great things to say about yourself that will interest employers.

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